November 5, 2011

Record Revue: Florence and the Machine

Florence + the Machine - Ceremonials   4/5

  Ceremonials finds Florence Welch and company moving from the more refined, crisp sound on Lungs, to gospel rock built on a grand scale.

   Ceremonials toys with themes of good and evil wrapped in thunderous drums, gospel choirs, and Welch's glowing vocals that embody both sinister and ethereal qualities in equal measure.
   Every track is epic in its own right, from the straight-up gospel of "Lover to Lover" Welch soars; "I've been wandering the streets for days 'n days 'n days" over shimmering keys and a chorus of hand claps. While the tug-of-war between the light of the joyous celebration of "All This And Heaven Too" versus the dark, erotic tension of the confessional "Remain Nameless," plays further with religious themes. 
  Florence + the Machine side step the sophomore slump with Ceremonials' rapturous sound, and lush imagery, but would have done well to refine their sound as more often than not Welch and co. are second to the record's organs and moody atmosphere as if not entirely within their control.

Essential Tracks: "No Light, No Light" "Lover To Lover" and "Remain Nameless"

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